Phone Conference P1450.3 Working Group

Friday, Feb 28, 2003, 1:15 to 2:00pm PST


Tony Taylor (chair & scribe)

Daniel Fan

Greg Maston

Bruce Kaufman






We are in the process of reconciling the issues from the recent "on-official review" in these bi-weekly meetings. Reviewers are invited to participate (and would, no doubt add value to the discussion) as we go over the issues. The schedule for reviewing is identified in the list above. A new Draft-D07 will be created as the issues are addressed. A ResolutionDoc-D07 captures the key issues and decisions.


    1/17 - Dan Fan / NP Test (reviewer comments incorporated)

    1/31 - Dave Gallagher / Mentor (reviewer comments incorporated)

    2/14 - Gregg Wilder / TI

    2/28 - Bruce Kaufman / Teseda

    3/14 - Don Organ / Inovus



DCResourceCharacteristics - This is a new clause to the standard. Gregg Wilder (the chair of the 1450.2 working group that produced the spec for DC Resources) has provided the initial cut at the syntax and definitions. Tony will make this document available before the next meeting. We will start the review of this document on 3/28 (after we complete all the reviewer feedback discussions). 


BK - Review issues - The comments from Bruce Kaufman were reviewed. Most of the comments were either typographical or editorial and will be incorporated into Draft D07. Topics that were discussed in some detail:


Next meeting

Date: Friday, Mar 14, 2003
Time: 1:15 to 3:00 PDT
Phone Number: 1-800-486-2460
Participant: 324-637

Action Items:

AI1 - Tony - Update