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[802.3_100GNGOPTX] March Meetings - (** Co-located Interim ** and Plenary) Agenda and Call for Presentations

Dear Study Group Participants,

The Next Generation 100 Gb/s Optical Ethernet Study Group will be holding two meetings at the IEEE 802 March Plenary Session on the Big Island Hawaii, USA;

  • We will be holding an adjacent / co-located interim with IEEE 802.3bj on Monday morning (8am to 12pm), March 12, that will be used to address issues that are common to the Study Group and that Task Force.
  • We will also be meeting on Tuesday, Wednesday (13th and 14th) all day and Thursday morning (15th) as a Study Group.

Registration and meeting details may be found at  Please make your reservations as soon as possible.

The agenda for our meeting will be to continue working toward adoption of objectives, developing 5 Criteria responses, and presentation of material that demonstrate the validity of those responses. Therefore, presentations for the week should be focused on objectives and Five Criteria demonstration.

Presentations should be kept to 20 minutes in duration, excluding time for questions and answers.  As previously requested, please avoid taglines and other frilly content in your presentations, focus on objectives and demonstration of 5 criteria support. I strongly recommend joint presentations with broad support toward these goals rather than independent presentation on specific items. We are a Study Group, and wish to remain focused on the task at hand.

Requests for presentation time must be made two Fridays preceding the meeting.  For the March meetings, requests for presentation time shall be made to me and our vice-chair Kapil Shrikhande and must be made by March 2 2012.  Please include the words "Presentation Request" in the subject of that email to simplify our tracking effort. The presenter shall e-mail a PDF, soft-copy version of the presentation to us by Tuesday of the week preceding the meetings.  For the both the co-located interim meeting and the March Plenary, presentations must be submitted by to me and Kapil by March 6, 2012

As you may be familiar, due to the heavy overlap of participation between 802.3bj and our study group, I am requesting that all presentations be named as follows;

name_0x_mmyy_100NGOPTX.pdf where name is of the submitter, x is the number of the presentation offered to this Study Group, mm the month, yy the year. (ex: dove_01_0312_NG100GOPTX.pdf) My goal in using this approach is to allow users to identify presentations to the different groups by file-name, rather than having to figure it out empirically.

As a reminder, please make sure that all requests for presentations or submissions of presentation material have no restrictive notices at the bottom of the email.  All such emails will be refused and requests / presentations will not be acknowledged. 

All individuals submitting presentations should review the Procedures for Presenters Page -    

I would greatly appreciate presenters reviewing their own presentations to verify that they have followed the cited Presentation Style Guidelines.  Also, to support the web site search tool used by the IEEE P802.3 web site the 'Document Information' fields of the PDF file must be completed as follows:

Title: Title of presentation

Author: Name(s) of author(s)

Subject: IEEE 802.3 Next Generation 100Gb/s Optical Study Group

As a reminder to the group, we are a contribution driven organization.   It should not be assumed by anyone that work will just get done without contributions to drive it and at the same time, recognition that collaboration will lead to higher efficiency and effectiveness.  Areas not moving forward will be brought to the attention of the Study Group for consideration on how to make progress.



Dan-o Dove

Study Group Chair