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[STDS-802-3-25G] IEEE Std 802.3by-2016 Standard Approved!

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations to all!  The IEEE-SA Standards Board today approved 802.3by an an IEEE Standard!  We are done!  

Many thanks to all of those who participated and contributed!  We would not have been able to accomplish this rapid completion without the combined efforts of many people.  A special thank you to Kent Lusted, our recording secretary who kept us on track throughout and to Matt Brown, the chief editor, and his editorial team of Adee Ran, Arthur Marris, Chris Diminico, and Jonathan King!  This editorial team put in significant efforts to enable the Task Force to move at the pace it wanted to move. Without their high quality work and care and attention to detail we would not have the solid specification we have today.

I will update on the reflector when we have more details on the actual publication date.

All the best,
