00READ_ME_GEN67YY.txt Notes for 802.3aq channel modeling ad hoc group. ------------------------------ John Abbott Corning Incorporated SP-PR-1-3 Corning NY 14831 abbottjs@corning.com January 10, 2005 ------------------------------ The *.zip file tau_FDDI_NOV20_GEN67YY.zip has these files: 1. tau_FDDI_NOV20_Gen67YY.dat Monte Carlo data file with 1300nm mode delays for 5000 fibers corresponding to installed base FDDI fiber data. Information presented at 802.3aq San Antonio meeting Abbott_01_1104.pdf 2. OFLBW_Gen67YY.dat A table of 1300nm OFL BW's for the 5000 fibers. These are calculated using a theoretical weighting function which is linear in mode group numbers 1-18 and would ignore and mode groups above 18. The FDDI spec requires the measured OFL BW to be >500MHz.km, which can be approximated by using only fibers whos OFLBW_Gen67YY.dat entry is >500. Note the actual mode power distribution for an actual OFL BW measurement would be slightly different. This file is included to facilitate the use of the Monte Carlo set. 3-4-5-6-7 PIEprint67_NOV20_5000x4_300m_24.dat etc. These files have the calculated PIE-D metric for the 5000 fibers for some selected offsets. The 1st column is the fiber, the 4th column is PIE-D. PIEprint67_NOV20_5000x4_300m_24.dat corresponds to 23um, PIEprint67_NOV20_5000x4_300m_21.dat corresponds to 20um, etc. There are also columns for PIE-L and other channel metrics; these can be ignored. 8 -- Abbott_1_0106_Gen67_Gen54.pdf This *.pdf was shared with the 01/06/2005 Channel Modeling Ad Hoc Task 1 group and plots the 23um offset PIE-D metric distribution for the Gen67YY Monte Carlo set in this *.zip file and that of the Gen54 YY Monte Carlo set for comparison. (Gen54YY data set -- see 802.3aq Ottawa meeting abbott_1_0904.pdf) 9 -- 00READ_ME_Gen67YY.txt This file. Any Comments are appreciated. Please let me know if you find general agreement or any significant discrepancy in the OFL BW or PIE-D values.