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[802.3_25GSMF] P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single Mode Fiber Task Force meeting call for presentations

Plenary meeting details may be found at
Our task force is scheduled to meet from 9:00AM to 5:00PM on Wednesday March 15th at the Fairmont Hotel, Vancouver, BC.  Room assignment is:
Tweedsmuir - Conference Floor, Fairmont
The meeting schedule may be updated and can be found online at
We are currently in our second WG recirculation ballot of D2.2.  The main focus of our meeting will be to address any comments received and to prepare a request for moving to sponsor ballot.  We can also hear presentations about any concerns that may be raised during sponsor ballot.
For reference, our adopted objectives are here:
If you would like to make a presentation during the task force meeting, I will need your request by this Thursday March 2nd at 6:00PM PDT.  Your request should include a title, and approximate presentation time required including Q&A.   Requests for presentation time shall be made to me at david.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx and must be made by Thursday, March 2nd.  The presenter shall then e-mail a PDF, soft-copy  by the following Tuesday (March 7th, 2017 5:00 PM Pacific Time).  
I look forward to seeing everyone in Vancouver!
David Lewis
P802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single Mode Fiber Task Force Chair